Morrison Construction

Volunteers from Morrison Construction have spruced up Winchburgh Primary School’s courtyard garden ready for the new year.

Volunteers from Morrison Construction have spruced up Winchburgh Primary School’s courtyard garden ready for the new year.

Seven volunteers from Morrison Construction pulled on their gardening gloves in a project co-ordinated by Winchburgh Developments Limited as part of its and Morrison Construction’s ongoing commitment to working with local communities. The team spent a day trimming overgrown trees and bushes, redefining plants, removing waste and generally having a tidy-up of the garden which is hugely popular with the children.

Ian Harvey, head teacher at Winchburgh Primary School, said: “The garden provides vital quiet space away from the playground for the children and I felt the area needed some special care.

“I’m thrilled with what the team from Morrison Construction has achieved – they worked really hard and have done a wonderful job.

“The garden is a more welcoming space for the children. They will love using it.”

John Hamilton, chief executive of Winchburgh Developments, commented: “We would like thank the Morrison Construction team for their hard work in the school’s garden. It is fantastic to see the staff donating their time and effort to benefit the Winchburgh community. I am looking forward to similar projects taking place as the Winchburgh masterplan progresses throughout 2020.”

Christina Calder, Performance Manager for Morrison Construction, said: “We were so happy to see our work at the school’s garden appreciated. I hope the children get hours of enjoyment thanks to the team’s hard work.”

Morrison Construction is currently undertaking a £1m water main upgrade near Winchburgh village on behalf of the developer, future proofing the existing water network and supporting the exciting development plans for the area. When complete, the masterplan will bring at least 3,450 new homes, improved transport links, employment opportunities, state-of-the-art schools and stunning new outdoor spaces to this historic village.