Winchburgh Developments Limited – COVID – 19 Update

The staff and directors of WDL hope everyone in the Winchburgh Community is keeping safe and well and adhering to Government guidelines during this challenging time for all of us. It has been heartening to see the Growers facebook posts of the daffodils coming through and to be able to support the Helping Hands Project and WCDT with the community resilience programme.

We want to give our assurance that the whole WDL team is working hard on the project from home and we’re looking forward to continuing with the site operations when Government restrictions allow. We’re currently working on preparing the planning application for the Core Road through the new Town Centre from Millcraig Place to the motorway junction at Beatlie, which we hope to submit to West Lothian Council within a few weeks. This will enable us to maintain our programme as effectively as possible, despite some inevitable slippage due to the COVID-19 lockdown.

We’re working closely with all our contractors through this time on preparing for re-starting construction works when permitted. Over the coming weeks we will continue to keep you updated as we respond to the new guidelines.

Finally, we extend a huge thank you to the community for keeping in touch with us and our main contractor, I&H Brown, on site matters during the lockdown so far. It has been very much appreciated by both WDL and I&H Brown.

Thank you and please stay safe and well.