“Following the First Minister’s announcement on 11th June that construction can now recommence in Scotland, we are very pleased to confirm that our construction partners will now begin returning to our sites in Winchburgh as of Monday 15th June with full adherence to the increased COVID-19 health and safety and hygiene standards.
“We look forward to welcoming back I&H Brown, Bellway, Scottish Woodlands and Smith & McMath at Tiptoes Nursery, who can now continue work on a number of sites including Auldcathie Park, the new schools’ campus, as well as the forthcoming affordable and private housing, and further amenities.
“We are also looking forward to re-engaging with the Winchburgh community as we come out of this difficult period. We have followed the incredible work of the One Winchburgh Covid response team, and the Winchburgh Growing Group keeping the village busy with their fantastic ‘Growth For Health’ campaign, and it will be a pleasure to be able to work alongside and support these initiatives once more.
“There is no doubt that the past few months have been extremely challenging. However, I would like to take this opportunity to state clearly that we remain one hundred per cent committed to delivering the full masterplan as we had originally outlined for Winchburgh, and we are very much looking forward to getting back on site, and moving forward again with the development.”